Tuesday, October 03, 2006

4. The 4th Story Puke Bucket

Occurred: March 2005
Written: October 2006

So my buddy "pady" decides to visit up at my college (CC) for the first time. From hearing prior about his lightweight abilities i figure it would be not only fun to get him trashed, but also cheap.

Before he arrives i decide on the poison of choice...Yager! the thick cough syrupy liquid that tastes like black liquirish.

he walks up to my room. it was a wednesday or thursday night (yes i drank on weekdays, and still do) so i had to watch myself cause i had an 8am class the next day. does that mean i really watched my liquor? yes i did watch my liquor, i watched it go down my thoat and pady's in mass quantity.

we took about 6-8 yager bombs a piece. we weren't alone my ladyfriend "Grudgefan" took those bombs right along side of us. She's very impressive and one of the few girls i know that can actually keep up with me when it comes to drinking.

Anyways, after the 8th bomb or so Pady decides to go to sleep. lame. he didn't even puke. so i go to bed and wake up for my 8am feeling half-way shitty.

I come back to get yelled at by my next door neighbor "Smokey" saying that last night Pady crawled into his roomates bed and puked all over the floor near the bottom bunk (this made him mad because the bottom bunk had been offically made into the floor hotbox)

so what do i do? throw a towel over it. problem solved. i then talk to Pady who is still feeling like shit asking if he was okay:

[Me]: you feeling alright?
[Pady]: ya i puked out the 4th floor window though?
[Me]: ah shit, why did you do that?
[Pady]: because some big fucker saw me and decided to pick me up and spin me around.
[Me]: haha did anybody see you?
[Pady]: ya a small group of people and from it looked like they were with their families, they waived to me.

Needless to say, Pady blew chunks out the 4th floor window in front of a group of perspective students and their parents. Yes people who were checking out the college saw my buddy puke out the window, great first impresssion of a college don't you think?

i wonder if any of those kids actually considered comming to CC college.

Postscript: The puke that i covered with a towel stayed there in Smokey's room for about 3 weeks. They tried to clean it up but after 3 weeks it kind of just molded to the groud. We then brainstormed of how to fix this, and decided to put a rug over the puke-crusted floor towel.


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